July 2018

This is what is going on in my garden July 2018!

Total grocery bill: $305.89 (vegi only total $19.82)

Month’s To Do List:

  • (not doing this year) Rototill and start composting in okra bed area
  • (partially done) Finish shed organization
  • (not done) Add wire to rebar to finish espalier tree supports
  • (move to winter task) Continue working on master seed spreadsheet for when to plant anything


  • Garlic
  • Green Beans
  • Lemon Squash
  • Onions
  • Tomatos
  • Zucchini


  • nothing

What am I doing?:

  • I am taking care of family – I am spending very little time in the garden
  • Able to get some harvests
  • I lost my Haas Avocado tree – it appears to be root rot – that seemed odd for me, I watered it the same as the Reed Avocado, but my research as well as the nursery woman came up with the same conclusion
  • Our custard apple tree got scale – we scrapped all off with small screwdrivers – we will have to treat the tree next winter/spring


  • Some of the dahlia’s are blooming and they are beautiful to look at
  • I don’t think I have seen a prettier flower than those on the snake gourd plant.  They smell amazing in the morning, but you cannot smell them too much the rest of the day.  I would grow this again just to see the flowers.

Onion harvest, garlic harvest…..then I have green beans zucchini and lemon squash, tomatoes and manathakari

Haas Avocado tree lost

Scale on our custard apple tree

Flowers on the snake gourd