October 2017
This is what is going on in my garden October 2017!
- Carrots
- Cayenne peppers
- Thai peppers
- Parsley (looks fabulous)
- Basil (bolting)
- Lemons
- Garlic (and placed mulch on top)
What am I doing?:
- Still direct composting in beds and side yard to improve my dirt (see post on direct composting)
- Getting rid of a lot of grubs in raised beds
- Pulled all tomato plants – composted them
- Transplanted one cherry and one yellow pear in it’s own pot as those plants were doing so well that I am attempting to keep two
- Happy to still be enjoying flowers blooming
- Fig tree is starting to lose leaves
- Kiwi plants are growing new leaves at the base, but not growing much bigger yet
- Butterfly bushes that I grew from seed are quickly growing and towering over the one plant I purchasd at the nursery, but they have yet to flower. Only the nursery butterfly bush has flowered.
- Oh and here is a picture of my Rudbeckia. It is so beautiful!