March 2018
This is what is going on in my garden March 2018!
Total grocery bill: $235.49
Month’s To Do List:
- (not done) Rototill and start composting in okra bed area
- (partially done) Finish shed organization
- (not done) Buy last 2 grapes
- (done) Remove the mountains of extra dirt I have in the garden (I have no place to use it, and it is now in my way of progress)
- (partially done) Sift rocks from dirt in remaining 10 raised beds
- (not done) Add wire to rebar to finish espalier tree supports
- (partially done) Continue working on master seed spreadsheet for when to plant anything
- (partially done) Pull all weeds
- (partially done) Fertilize all plants & trees
- (done) Plant 3 Dahlia tubulars that were mailed to me this month from mail order
- (done) Plant seed potatoes
- Kale
- Lemons
- Onion – bunching
- Radish
- Beet
- Broccoli
- Cantaloupe
- Lettuce
- Radish
- Watermelon
What am I doing?:
- Weeding – OMG!!!! Weeds have overtaken us.
- Seeding outside
- Caring for current seedlings and inside plants
- Turned the dirt and fertilized around the blueberry bushes and raspberry plants
- Fertilized the hydrangea plants
- Obtained the remaining coir and worm castings to finish out amending my raised beds
- To help with watering correctly, I had my husband drill small holes into some ice cream containers I was saving, and placed these in all my green planters so that I could deep water (hopefully not watering leaves this year)
- I must get my desire for gardening back! Regardless of the cold, regardless of the amount of weeds. Farmers are not lazy!
- Tulips were beautiful this month!
- Starting to reclaim my garden from the weeks.
- All fruit trees and bushes are in bloom