February 2018
This is what is going on in my garden February 2018!
Total grocery bill: $263.36
Month’s To Do List:
- (not done) Rototill and start composting in okra bed area
- (partially done) Finish shed organization
- (not done) Buy last 2 grapes
- (not done) Remove the mountains of extra dirt I have in the garden (I have no place to use it, and it is now in my way of progress)
- (not done) Sift rocks from dirt in remaining 10 raised beds
- (not done) Add wire to rebar to finish espalier tree supports
- (partially done) Continue working on master seed spreadsheet for when to plant anything
- Lemons
- Tangerines (this harvest is now over for this year)
- Onions – bunching
What am I doing?:
- Being lazy!!!!!!!!
- Moving plants in due to frost.
- I picked all tangerines off the tree after I started noticing that every day there was a shell of an eaten one on the ground. The rats are enjoying my fruit!
- I became quite disheartened this month. I did very little work in the garden. We got about 3 weeks of frost, and lots of rain.
- I have so many weeds things appear bleak on getting them under control soon.