About the author:

I was born in the city and raised in the city.  I never played in the dirt, ever!  Did I ever grow anything?  Nope, but I successfully killed every house plant I ever bought at the store.  That is right, every poor unsuspecting plant I ever got hold of to show off on my desk at work, was toted back home for my mom to revive; if that was even possible.  There is not one green thumb in my whole body.

So how in the world did I ever get here!  Trying to grow my own food!  You’re kidding me right?  If someone told me I would be doing this in my 40’s, well, I would have been the first one laughing at them!

When I told my mom and daughter I was going to have my whole backyard a garden, they could not stop laughing.  Who in the world was this person that was now talking to them?

As if I could have things even worse, I don’t have a perfect backyard.  We are starting from bare dirt here and I have absolutely no landscaping skills to pull from.  I also work full-time, so I don’t have an unlimited amount of time to spend in the garden.

Fully stated; I have no prior experience in the slightest form.  But, I gave it my best shot last year, and I did not do half bad.  I mean, not even close to perfect, but I had a measure of success.  So I am not presenting to you as an expert in this topic by any means.

However, I am going to give this journey my best, and I will chronicle it along the way.  I am doing so in the hopes of getting help, and needed feedback, as well as possibly encourage others out there who are just like me.  You can do this too, and feel quite happy about being more self-sufficient.

So please know, I am not going to show you pictures of castle gardens and say you can transform your backyard in one season.  What I am going to show you is dirt.  My garden needs lots and lots of work.  You are probably even going to see me sweat.  This is going to take me years to get right.

Welcome to a homesteading journey!

Lisa  :]